Placement: AFHTO appoints new Chief Executive Officer, Jess Rogers, to drive transformational change

Hayley Becker

Mirams Becker is thrilled to share the appointment news of Jess Rogers to Chief Executive Officer for the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario (AFHTO), following a comprehensive national recruitment process. An accomplished healthcare leader, Jess will officially join AFHTO as of October 17, 2024.

Jess brings extensive experience in fostering partnerships and executing large-scale projects, grounded in her commitment to enhancing primary care. She joins AFHTO from the Lung Health Foundation, where she served as Vice President of Programs, Research and Public Affairs and successfully engaged diverse stakeholders across government, community, and health systems. Jess previously held senior leadership roles at the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer and the Centre for Effective Practice, with a demonstrated ability to build and strengthen partnerships and contribute to capacity-building efforts across the organization.

The AFHTO Board would like to thank Mike McMahon, who has served as Interim CEO since May 2024, strengthening the organization and engaging with members, partners and stakeholders across Ontario. Under his skilled leadership, we developed a transformational strategic plan, which will be unveiled at the Annual General Meeting on October 24. Mike will rejoin the strong leadership team at Thames Valley Family Health Team as Executive Director.

AFHTO is preparing for an exciting period ahead. Confident that Jess is the right person, with the right experience, passion and determination to put the strategic plan into action and deliver results for AFHTO’s members, partners, and support team-based primary care in Ontario. She’s excited and energized to strengthen AFHTO’s voice to drive change and support our members to be leaders in team-based primary care.

Congratulations Jess!

Original Source: FINAL_AFHTO_CEO Announcement_2Oct2024.pdf

Mirams Becker is a Retained Executive Search Firm dedicated to the Healthcare Sector. We are dedicated to building leadership capacity in the healthcare sector, one opportunity at a time. Mirams Becker is a proud Corporate Member of the Canadian College of Health Leaders, with strong alignment and commitment to the College’s vision to build connections for a healthier Canada.

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